Let's Chat... {The Walking Dead, Thanksgiving & Christmas}

 Warning, potential long post ahead!

I don't have an insane amount to talk about or anything and it's nothing like super serious. I just want to ramble for a little while to whomever may or may not be reading this. It sometimes helps to let my emotions bleed into my blog every once in a while.

This is kind of random and something I haven't talked about on my blog in literally years, but I'd like to talk about The Walking Dead for a minute. As I'm sure almost everyone knows, TWD series finale was Sunday and it's just like really sad and depressing to me for some reason. I've been a HUGE Walking Dead fan for year. I remember seeing the preview for it back in 2010 and couldn't wait to watch it. I wrote the name and date down on a piece of paper and taped it to the back of the door. LaVaughn and I fell in love from day one and watched it religiously every single Sunday.

Until they killed Carl...

If you read the comics and love them as much or more than the TV show, then you had to have been pissed at the decision to kill him off - I know I was. Then Rick being written off the show half way through season 9 with the final nail in the coffin. After Carl died it didn't feel like the same show. When Rick left it wasn't the same show. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good zombie show, but it wasn't The Walking Dead anymore. LaVaughn and I stopped watched for over a year or maybe longer, then we finally decided to give it a go.

We watched all of season 9 and up to episode fifteen on season 10 and that was it.

I read so much stuff Sunday about the finale and saw peoples posts about how they've watched it since day one, yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people did, but I feel like they're probably the Daryl stans that are only in it for him. Someone who wasn't even in the comics to start, I might add. Idk, I think a lot of it has to do with making me feel nostalgic or something. It makes me think of old times and just depresses me. I miss the fall of 2010 so much, it was just an amazing time and the fact that it was 12 years ago sucks. It was just really depressing to me, which I know is probably so silly, but that how it makes me feel. I'll never forgot the first few seasons of TWD and how amazing they were and how much LaVaughn and I enjoyed watching them.

Now on to Thanksgiving... like how is it already almost the end of November?? I had to do a ridiculous amount of grocery shopping yesterday for all the stuff that LaVaughn and I are making. We're mainly making deserts this year, but I'm also making homemade stuffing and cranberry sauce, LaVaughn is doing the potatoes. Plus we're making this one type of dip that my aunt and uncle like, plus cheese ball dip. We also go some of the fancy frozen yeast rolls instead of making them homemade. My aunt and uncle are doing the turkey, ham and chicken and dumplings. She's also doing the stuffing that they like with all the nasty stuff in it.

 All of the prep and desert making is happening tomorrow... should be interesting.

Now on to Christmas. I'm always super festive around the holidays and I absolutely love Christmas shopping. Idk what's going on this year, but there's just something off. I feel like I'm the only person in my immediate family that is excited about it. LaVaughn and I always Christmas shop together for my aunt and uncle, my mom, Jeff and Jake. We've only gone one time and that was two weeks ago and we just got like 4 things. I know people Christmas shop by themselves all the time, but it's not something I'm used to, so it's kind of depressing to me. I feel like no one cares and it's getting to the point where I don't even care. 

I hate it.

I don't know why, but it's super easy for me to get sad and depressed anymore. I'm a genuinely happy person, but damn... this is just getting to me. Even writing all this out is making me a little sad and depressed at the thought. I think I'm just going to stop mentioning anything to LaVaughn and let her approach me when she wants to go someplace. I'm just gonna start shopping online I guess, cause I'm too bummed out anymore.

First world problems, I know.

Anyways, I'm done crying and complaining about stupid stuff that I shouldn't be complaining about. Here are some pics that I've taken with my new camera over the last week or so. It's nothing special and they kinda suck because I'm still getting used to this camera.

Here are some pictures from my D750 with my 105mm 2.8 lens:

Here are some pictures from my D750 with my Tokina 11-20mm 2.8 lens:

Giant Christmas Village

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