I'm dreaming of a white November...

 So am I the only one living in SE Missouri that had NO idea that it was supposed to snow Friday night/Saturday morning? I legit was just expecting rain, nothing else. It started snowing pretty heavily a little after midnight and didn't stop until well after I went to bed at like 4 in the morning. I legit woke up to a winter wonderland outside. It was like picturesque snow - stuff you see in the movies! It clung to the trees so well and made for a beautiful drive to Perryville. 

It still hasn't melted much, over a day later. I absolutely love that it snowed, but I hope and pray that it snows on Christmas this year. Like not even a lot, just a little. 

Here are some pics from Friday night and Saturday morning. Enjoy!

Here are some pics from around 2am Saturday morning and later:

It was so beautiful! I love snow so much.

It was sticking amazingly too.

Didn't take the yard long to get covered.

I was using this hose as an indicator, lol.

A screenshot of the KFVS12 weather app. Super cold and super snowy!

Took this with my Tokina lens. Idk why I though it would be a good idea to drag my camera out at 3 in the morning after I just showered.

This was closer to 4am.

There was so much snow!

Love the way it looks on the fence.

Look at the winter wonderland! This was around 10:45ish am yesterday morning.

The snow looked so beautiful on the trees.

The snow also looks amazing on the fence.

Our snow covered road.

It looks like a post card!

This is highway 67 on our way to Perryville.

See, made for a beautiful drive.

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