Cats and rats...

This post doesn't actually have anything to do with rats, but since I actually have a picture of Evan to share, I thought it would be fitting.

I was looking through my blogger folder to see what all pictures I had to share and all but one was of cats. A couple of ours and a couple of our neighbors. Either way, this blog is mainly going to be about cat pictures. And I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the odd feeling that has come over you and for how creepy this blog actually is.

Ugh, I guess that's all, sorry so creepy. Until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent (seems fitting, eh?)

Here are the pics:

 Demon eyes.

 This is the position Charlie stays in the entire time he's inside.

 Susie, being gorgeous.

 Charlie, being a flirt.

 Just look at all of that cuteness!

 I believe this is a spider web with some horse hair mixed in. I really don't know...

 My fat rat, Evan, sleeping on his face.
The girls, being bums...

And now for the sugar glider video that may save this blog!

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