Merry Christmas Eve...

Considering Christmas this year is a total bomb, I'm not going to talk about it. I get all sucky and depressed thinking of how things used to be and I really just don't want to go there.

What I would like to talk about is... tent time with our ratties! Yes, we have rat tent time. This is where most people say, "What the hell is tent time?" Okay, to my glider peeps - I know you know what it is. Just take out the glider aspect and add rats in their place and that gives you... rat tent time!

Now that I've described tent time in full, it's time to experience it!

Love & Peace


Here they are:

 Inside the Sansbug tent!

A bunch of random toys and... Mordor!! 

 Sally checking out the stairs.

Mordor stands alone.

 Sally was having a blast!

Emilie... not so much.

Emilie does like to perch on shoulders a lot.

With a face that cute, who cares??

1 comment:

Vikis Kitchen said...

Merry Christmas. Wishing you and family a happy, prosperous and blessed New year.