Anyways, on my days off I love to carry the gliders around, which we did today. It can be a task getting all 4 cages out and carrying them around. That's mainly because we carry Hadley in her own pouch and Simba and Nala in their own pouch. So all in all we have 6 pouches of gliders, 3 each.
But yeah, we hold them for a couple hours and stuff their faces with yoggies. They live such a pampered life. I can't imagine how horrible it must be to be carried around in a fleece pouch and feed sweeties all day, lol.
Okay, now a little update on Simba and Nala. The chick that was originally getting them was supposed to send us money Friday, which she didn't. Not sure if I've mentioned this or not, but she also only sent one deposit. I sent her a nice long email explaining that I think it would be best if she would just wait on future joeys when she actually has the money!
Her response... "Alright. I don't know what happened with me not getting paid Friday."
Someone else is interested in Simba and has been for a while, so we're going to tell her that he's now available again and see if she's still interested.
Now Nala is a different story... she's staying here! I know, I know, we don't need anymore gliders, but we have yet to keep a joey from Kira and Logan. Plus, she's like one of the cutest joeys ever!! And not to mention she's as sweet as pie. So yes, she's staying here. :)
Until next time...
Love & Peace
Simba & Nala
(soon to be renamed)
He's SO adorable!!
Is she not a total doll face!?
Pretty girl!
She's stunning!!
Kira & Logan
Mama Kira! <3 p="">
Pretty Logan. :)
He is too cute!
Sadie & Hadley
She's a monster.
She's so cute, but wouldn't sit still.
Like mother like daughter.
Stunning little face!
Violet & Cas
I love her so much! She's so beautiful!!
This thing is beautiful too, he just wouldn't sit still.
He's so cute though. :)
Me carrying all the bonding pouches:
Zoe being a bum:
She's a pimp.
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