Well today was the unbelievably nerving day of Pip's neuter. LaVaughn and I have been a wreck ever since I called yesterday. And, of course, we have been expecting the worst!
We got there and got called straight back. The vet, who's seriously awesome, explained the procedure to us and said that it seems very easy and should go very well. That lifted out spirits a little and allowed us to breath easier for a little while... then she took him. :(
We got lots of online support yesterday from all the lovely people in the glider community. We asked a million questions about pom on and pom off neuters. Our vet was planing a pom off, so that's what we were concerned about. But still, several people assured us that pom off neuters were just as safe as pom on. We got SO much support and information from Val, a glider illness guru, she really helped.
We waited in the exam room for about 15-20 minutes, then it was over. She came out with him all balled up in his pouch and he seemed the same as when he left. She kept him in the back there while he was waking up and let him gnaw on the apple that we brought. That is the scariest part of having a glider sedated! But all was well. Pip was a great little boy during the whole process and even snacked on some yoggies after. He even jumped out on us and hopped back and forth for a while. This really amused people, lol.
So now were home and happy as can be. Not only do we have our first neuter out of the way, but we're down a breeding pair! Yay!!
I know this is kind of off subject, but we saw loads of wildlife on the way home. We saw about 10 wild turkeys, a couple deer, and a turtle Good stuff, lol.
Until next time...
Love & Peace
Here's a photo compilation of Mr. Pip after his neuter:
Sleepy boy.
He was cleaning himself here.
He's such a precious boy!!
He is a sleeping sugar glider angel. <3 p="">
So precious!
Here's the deer.
Last one...
And now for a couple videos:
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