Videos anyone?

I forgot all about the videos I uploaded to YouTube this past week and never managed to add them to the blog. That's pretty much what I'm doing today, lol. It's nothing uber special or anything, just a few boring videos of the animals and what have you.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: In Spite Of All The Danger by The Quarrymen

Sorry for my lack of blogging in past week. I've had things to blog about, but just never get around to doing so. I spent the majority of my evenings outside pretty much all week. And when I'm not outside, I'm playing/learning songs on the keyboard (I'm in the process of learning Let It Be... notice the Beatles faze lately?). I promise, I will try to blog a few different times this coming week. :)

Here are the videos:

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