It's a beautiful day for a neighbor...

It was seriously a beautiful day for joey pictures today. That is, if you can stand the 90 degree heat long enough to take said pictures. LaVaughn left me standing in the yard with camera in hand while I took pictures, by myself. She sucks. Well, it's not her fault if she can't hack it. ;)

After that, well not directly after, but later in the day I got some random pictures from around the yard. I don't normally take pictures of the yard this time of the year. One reason, there isn't much to take pictures of because the summer heat burns everything up. Also, it's too damn hot to stand around and take pictures. So you're very lucky to be seeing such rare gems.

We got a custom order for the puzzle fleece we have last night. It was a very odd order. She wanted to corner hammocks, 2 bridges, and 2 large buckets. Just a weird request. It didn't leave much left over, but there may be enough to cut out a decent size set later on.

Well, tomorrow is my last day of work, then I have 3 glorious days off! All of which we need to cut, sew, and clean, so it's not much of a day off, is it? Oh well, at least I don't have to deal with the dick heads at work.

Speaking of, work kind of sucks now. All the new people they're bringing in suck balls. Everyone has to be on their A game now, it sucks. It used to be really mellow and fun, but now EVERYthing has to be done to code. That store is going to loose a lot of people if they keep bringing people like that in.

Okay, I'm out! Until next time...

Love & Peace





Pictures from around the yard:

Ms. Lucy

Isn't she pretty?

Spider in a web!

My pretty little Bart.

Pennies in a bag full of water outside the door. Come on, you know this one!

The twins sleeping:

Zoe being a diva. Not really. ;)

And lastly, a pretty little rock that John from work gave me. 

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