It's going to be one of those months...

I can already tell this is going to be an odd blogging month. A month with pointless blogs that go absolutely nowhere. Another obvious reason is that I've only blogged like 4 times in all of April. And believe me, I had to muster up all the strength I could just to get those few blogs worded right and posted. Maybe I'm just having an off month or something. Whatever the reason may be, I'm like 93% sure that I'll make myself blog at least once a week to keep you all updated with the ever so awesome happenings. So be sure to stick around.

Lets see, what's happened in the past few days? Friday was a pretty productive day. Not fun, productive. Anyone who knows us knows that we have a 90+ lb German Shepherd. We tried taking her to the groomer once, but it scared her SO bad, she wasn't right for days. That's when we decided to wash her ourselves. And since we don't take her to the groomer over the winter, she gets BEYOND stinky! She got to the point where she smelled like a rotten egg... no joke! Thankfully, Friday was warm enough to drag her out and wash her. And we did, four times! And man does she smell better. We plan on washing her ever week or every other week, we're not too sure yet. More than likely it will be over a week before we wash her, but I doubt we'll wait two.

In Robbie new... he's a monster! We usually always let him have the run of the house. Well here lately, he's been in his cage more than he's been out. If you've ever owned a ferret, then I'm sure you know that they're never satisfied. He goes from one thing to the next, which is normally fine, considering he never tears anything up. Not sure if you remember my old post a couple months about Robbie getting out, well he did. At the time, we decided to let him have the entire house to himself. Living room, kitchen, hall, laundry room, bathroom. You name it, he was in it! We just didn't let him in the bedrooms. Well after his great escape, he had to limit his fun. We had to put up a barrier so that he couldn't go down the hall, get in the laundry room, bedrooms and bathrooms. And since we've had the barrier up, he's made it his personal mission to tear it down. As soon as he gets out of his cage, and believe me when I say this, he goes straight for the damn barrier and scratches like it nobodies business. And it's not just mild scratching, it's load and extremely annoying! We tried spraying vinegar in the corner, that worked for a while until he got used to the smell. Then he was back, non-stop. After so much of him doing that, we would have to put him in his cage. Then one day, LaVaughn mentioned moving the barrier down some, giving him access to most of the hall and one bedroom door. So that's what we did. And where do you think he went? Right up to the damn barrier! He's never satisfied! I mean, I love him to death, but sometimes I wasn't to rip his head off. So that's what's been going on with that, lol.

Aside from animal news, I've become massively obsessed with the Dead Island theme song. So much that I can actually play it on the piano now. It's nothing like the real thing, considering I don't have a violin to back me, but it still sounds pretty cool. If I can, I'll try to get a video of it and post it.

Ugh, I so don't have the energy to wright anymore. I think it's time for a shower and a drive into the city. Well, if not the city, then the store will do. Sorry if this blog has been too long and too creepy. Like I said above, I'm having an off month. Hopefully I'll kick start my writing in the next few days and come back with a kickin blog. I doubt it, but we can only hope. Until then, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Man In The Box by Alice In Chains

Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure:

The beautiful tulip photos were taken by LaVaughn:

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