There and back again...

Believe it or not, we made it all the way to Saint Louis and back last night... in one piece!

I was very hesitant to follow hand written directions all the way into the city, but I was able to make every turn, merge and overpass without a hinge! Of course, I couldn't have done so without my trusty co-pilot reading everything off to me. She's a lifesaver and I wouldn't have made it out alive without her!

The worst part of the drive was dealing with rush hour traffic. We got into the city right around 4, so everyone was out and about. Traffic has never bothered me, 6 lane highways never bothered me. It's the getting stuck between two semi's and not being able to get right that bothers me. Luckily, that never happened, not once!

Okay, enough driving talk.

We made it to the cargo building with no problems and actually managed to even go in the right door! If you've every been to the cargo area of the airport, then you know how confusing it is. There are like 4 buildings scattered around - it's confusing to say the least! We went in, told them what we were there to get and they handed him over. All I had to do was show them my license and sign a piece of paper. Easy as pie!

We could barely contain ourselves when we got back to the car. We tore into his carrier like a lion into a gazelle. We gently pulled the top off of his Kritter Keeper and peeked in at him. As soon as he saw two strange, giant faces, he started crabbing. We nabbed a couple pictures of him, stuffed some treats in his pouch and let him be. We didn't want to stress him too much on his first day.

After that, we decided to tour the cargo area and walk over to the fence line where all the airplanes were. During this time, we were being slammed with 30 mile per hour winds and show! By the time we made it over the the fence, my face was so cold I could hardly breathe! No joke, it was painful! LaVaughn had to tuck and run, but, of course, I stayed behind for a couple pictures. I swear I think I felt ice busting off of my face as I made my way back to the car.

After that, we sat and waited about 40 minutes of Taylor to arrive. She and Payton found the place with no problems, luckily. I handed over the girls and then spent a few minutes with her chunky money, Kalani. Omg, that is the cutest, sweetest and chubbiest glider I've ever met! She even tried to crawl down my shirt. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't steal her, cause I would. I also got to see little Lilah and Odin while they were there.

After a few minutes out in the blistering cold, we all went our separate ways and headed home. Luckily, the drive back was just as easy - if not easier - as the drive there.

We didn't mess with Cas too much last night - he was too worked up - so we left him be in his cage. Now today is a completely different story. He's rested, been in a quiet room with other gliders and fed a nice, wholesome meal. It's on today, lol.

I'd also like to mention that Taylor shipped the girls with no problems. They're currently on a flight to Seattle. They should arrive in about 5 hours (7:30 my time, 5:30 Tracy's). I'll be so glad to hear that they've arrived safe and sound. I miss them so much already.

Okay, I have some serious glider poking and cage set sewing to do before it gets any later. And rest assured, I'll have LOADS of Cas pictures to share later on...

Love & Peace

Pictures from the drive there:

 Rush hour traffic, fun!

Picking Cas up:

 Cas in his shipping crate.

 He's he not the prettiest Platinum Mosaic Sugar Glider in the world!?

The airplanes:

A look around the cargo area if the airport:

And lastly, the last pictures we'll ever take of Emma and Eliza: :(

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