You can always go, downtown....

LaVaughn had to go to (downtown) Farmington today to meet with a lawyer. First, I didn't even know Farmington had a downtown, and second... who would have thought that you could actually get lost down there!

The most confusing part was the roads. Around the square, it was like all one way. Both lanes would be going forward, then you would turn and they were normal. Then there were lanes that had big "Do Not Enter" signs, it was awful! We ended up parking and just walking around for 20 minutes trying to find the dame place, but it was to no avail.

LaVaughn eventually called them and got some poorly explained directions from the lawyer himself.

On our drive home, we stopped and none other than McDonald's to eat. I'm telling you, if my palate keeps expanding like this, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself! On the way out of town, we stopped at the store and grabbed a pre-paid car, adding $80 to it -- surely that will be enough for our fleece, right?

When we got home, we picked out 5 additional prints and 5 additional solids at Hancock Fabric. It worked out perfect, because the total came to $100.05. Well, when I tried to apply the 25% off coupon, it didn't work. I added more fleece to the cart, I tried refreshing the page -- not a thing worked! I finally decided to take 1 print and 1 solid out of the cart and just use the 20% coupon.

That worked, bringing the total to $70 something. Well, after tax and $3 shipping, the total came to $84! Talk about frustrating. After trading a $6 print with a $3 print, it still wasn't enough. By the time we were done, we ended up having to get rid of one solid before our total came to under $80. I had to go to Walmart of all places to find the gold solid fleece that we needed. It was a frustrating process, but it's finally done and we have 22 new yards of fleece on the way.

I doubt we'll get everything in time this coming week, but the following week we should have plenty of time to cut and sew.

Love & Peace


Here are the pictures from downtown Famington:

The streets were very pretty!

The courthouse.

Apparently Ophelia is moving...

I love this shot, blurriness and all.

What is a fallout shelter? I must Google it!

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