Belated St. Paddy's Day...

St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite days of the year. I love spending the day eating potatoes, drinking Mickey's, and watching The Boondock Saints. Unfortunately for me I had to spend it working, which sucks. Oh well, there are better holidays to be off for.

We had our rat boys out a little while ago, playing and bonding with them -- they're the sweetest, by the way. It's amazing how different they are from Evan and Jonah. Those boys were quite a few months old and not very socialized when we got them, so them being a bit standoffish was completely understandable. Our girls are sweet -- some of the sweetest, but these boys like to be on us and cuddle more, it's like night and day.

It's amazing how much time I spend cooped up in the house anymore. I can't wait for nicer weather so that I can be outside, taking pictures. It's the best part of spring.

Okay, I've held it off for as long as I can... We got Declan and Ellie together!!!! We took and risk and decided to try the two of them, mainly because Declan is a big coward, lol. Our idea paid off, though. They're in the pouch sleeping harmoniously side by side.

We're going to give them a couple days together before we introduce Fiona and Neal.

And on that note I'm going to leave you with a million and one pictures. Not really, of course, but there are quite a few to be seen...

Love & Peace


Tuesday's pictures:

Wasn't even trying to get a picture like this, but it worked!

My lime green nails for St. Paddy's day.

Wednesday's pictures:

I ordered this out of the smile makers book at work.

I just love putting Seamus in a tiny pouch.

This was his pouch from when he was a tiny, little joey.

He's the best.

And now for pictures from today's intros:

Aren't they gorgeous together?

She groomed him for like 3 minutes straight!

A couple different times.

I think it's love.

Surprisingly enough, our geese are still alive.

Bathroom playtime with the rats:

Isn't he adorbs?

So is this little monster.

They love their snack plates.

As you can tell.

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