The ebb and flow...

I woke up refreshed from our heinous drive to Cape yesterday and actually felt like sewing! I was scheduled to work today, but switched with a friend of mine and decided to sew and (hopefully) sell a cage set to make up for my day.

Things started out a little rocky, but soon started to flow like I had been sewing for days! The owl set that LaVaughn and I worked on turned out to be a really cute combination! It's nice, thick fleece so everything holds it's shape really well -- the pouches practically stand on their own! Owl fleece is a big hit with everyone, so I'm hoping it goes fast.

I'm completely geared up and ready to cut out some mass amounts of cage sets tomorrow. I just hope I wake up as jolly tomorrow as I did today!

Love & Peace


Check out that cute owl fleece!

And like I said, the pouch practically stands on it's own!

This is the finished product - an adorable owl cage set!

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