Bla, bla, bla...

I can already tell that this post is going nowhere. I mostly just wanted to share a few pictures with you and give you an update on how we're doing with one less dog. Well my friends, so far so good. I have only thought of her a couple times, then I would remember other things and forget about it. I'm pretty sure LaVaughn is the same way. We both miss her in some ways, like her cute little face. But as I said in my last post, cuteness only gets you so far. Ok enough about that.

I guess that's pretty much all I have. There's nothing uber exciting going on at the moment. So, until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Movie of the day: Night of the Demons (the original)

Here are the pics:

 I'm sure anyone who's ever watched Harry Potter knows what these bad boys are, lol.

 Seriously, just look at some of those flavours. And yes, that's exactly what they taste like. Yuck!

Not sure if you can tell or not, but this is our dilapidated hairbrush that we left in the bathroom while the rats were playing. Ugh, they're such little dicks sometimes, lol.

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