Take me, to the magic of the moment...

Today was one of the first days that we didn't actually have visitors, or family, or neighbors or anyone stopping by. It was a nice few hours of peace and quiet. Aside from the noise of animals, of course. And how did we treat ourselves in this moment of solitude? By eating pizza, of course! Nothing says peace and quite like a frozen box of Italian delight!

Still, it was nice.

Renovations are still underway with the garage. We've almost hit our $1500 mark for the electrical (fingers crossed), then we should be good to go, aside from actually clearing everything out of the garage, of course. That will be the most expensive part of the renovation. As a whole, anyways. I'm sure material and others things will well exceed that mark, but that should (at least I hope) be the most we spend at one time.

I don't believe I've stated this or not, but I feel like I need to clear the air, get it off my chest, as some may say. LaVaughn and I have decided to keep Declan and Fiona. We both feel that they haven't found homes for a reason, and that reason is do that they can stay here with us. No, we don't need anymore gliders, but does that alter the fact that they're meant to stay here with us? Absolutely not! More than likely, both will be non-breeders. Fiona for sure will, she's going to be moving in with Neal and Violet if all goes well. There's a good chance Declan will too, but we're not 100% sure about that yet. Only time will tell.

Man, the ducklings are growing like weeds! I kid you not! Every day that we bring them in for their bath, they're nearly double the size they were the day before! They're so devilishly handsome, though. I love all their stupid little faces to pieces!

Well, I suppose I will end it there. I'm going to enjoy the remainder of my night before work tomorrow, which I'm totally stoked about -- I get off at 9!!

Love & Peace


Here are some adorable pictures of Declan, sleeping in my hand:

Is he not the most precious thing?

Random pictures from today:

The ducklings bath time:

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