There's always one...

Yesterday is a complete blur to me. Seriously, I don't remember anything that took place, other than riding to town with my aunt to see if her truck was ready (which is wasn't). I do know that they're going to rob her of an additional $400 on top of the $400 she already paid. What dicks. Why is it that shops always find SOMEthing else wrong with someone's vehicle?

Anyways, today when LaVaughn and I were outside, we noticed one of the wildlings (Lily's) kittens off by itself. Of course, our first instinct was to chase the kitten down, hold it, kiss it, and so on. Believe it or not, there was no chasing required and the little one came up to us in it's own accord.

The poor little guy has a nasty eye infection, more than likely it's an URI -- meaning the other 4 kittens have it as well. It's a nasty and contagious, so a vet trip will be required Monday. I'm hoping the vet will just give us some antibiotics without having to drag all the kittens up there, if we could even catch them all. We're treating the symptoms as best as possible right now, which started by moving this little guy indoors.

He's definitely the smallest kitten of the litter, weighing in at just 11.6 ounces, he's most definitely the runt. A kitten his age (3 days shy of 6 weeks) should be 1 1/2 pounds, if not a little more.

He's such a small and pitiful little guy, he just brings tears to my eyes. We've decided to name him Jasper, which seems fitting. After we cleaned his eyes, put some sugar water in them (it works wonders for eye irritations), we fed him some Sheba and moved him into a nice size box out in our spare room off from the garage. Unfortunately, he can't stay in the house due to how contagious URIs are. We definitely don't want Una or Zoe getting this.

I'm just hoping for a speedy recovery. Keep your fingers crossed that the other kittens aren't as bad!

Love & Peace


Here's little Jasper:

Random shot of Toby:

See his poor little eyes... sad face.

Another shot of the Tobes:

Toby's close up:

He's so pretty.

Apparently he things I can't see him.

And lastly, a huge difference in chicken egg size:

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