Don't worry, 'bee' happy...

It all started last night when I thought my camera was malfunctioning. I was looking through some pictures I had taken during our Easter Dinner and noticed some terrible glare coming from some of the photos. For some reason I thought my mirror was cracked, so I took the lens of and examined the camera. That's when I came across a beam that was reflecting up to the second mirror. Not sure why, but I automatically thought the worst!

I ended up joining a camera forum where they reassured me that it wasn't the camera, but the lens instead. Of course they belittled me with their wreath of knowledge, so I just sat on the sidelines sounding like a fool for the most part. It was all good news, though -- the camera isn't broken!

Aside from that terrible ordeal, Charli's little joey detached yesterday. He accidentally fell off and wouldn't latch back on. It was to no avail. We finally left her in a pouch by herself and she (eventually) stuffed him back in. He weighed 11 grams, which is a good weight for a completely hairless joey. I'm not sure what this little guy is either, he's either a leu, albino, or white mosaic. Only time will tell!

I don't know why, but I worry constantly anymore. If I get even the tiniest of things on my mind, I worry about them in the most fierce way possible. Breeding has become more of a nuisance and seems like a burden I'm unable to bear anymore. It's not a fun loving and exciting experience anymore, it's stressful and worrisome.

On the bright side, we had a BBQ today. It was the perfect day for it. The weather was perfect, it was sunny with just a few clouds surrounding the sun that allowed little periods of shade. The lighting was also in my favor -- especially with it being only 4 in the evening. I took as many photos as my memory card allowed, which is only around 150 at the moment. I'm in desperate need of a new memory card reader.

 With that being said, I'm going to part ways. Until next time...

Love & Peace


Now here are dozens of pictures from today (and a few from yesterday):

Bacon wrapped tater tots.

Grilled meat. Nom, nom, nom!

Now for LOADS of pictures... mainly of dandelions and Bart:

Can't forget all the bees that I harassed today.

This cat is too gorgeous.

I almost forgot about the pictures I took out at the dam:

This is SO Sleepaway Camp, is it not?

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