Hua Moa Tostones...

Wanna guess what that title means? Well, what it basically means is.... plantain crisps! Such a complex name for something so simple, but you know.

LaVaughn and I picked up a plantain yesterday so that we could give it a try. We've been trying to broaden our tastes lately, open ourselves up to new flavors and textures -- it's proved to be quite beneficial. Like eggplant, for example. That stuff is awesome, one of my new favorite veggies! There are a few other risque things we've tried lately, but I can't seem to recall what they are.

Anyways, back to the plantains. They're actually quite good, which comes as a surprise, considering it's the first time we've cooked them.

They were quite simple to make, honestly. You just peel the plantain, fry it for 2 minutes, remove them from the oil and gently press down forming a disc, then fry until golden. You can place them on a paper towel for draining, then salt and you're done!

They have a very unique taste and texture to them. They almost taste like green tomatoes, with the innards having the consistency of a potato/potato cake. VERY different, but nice.

I know this is sad, but I really have nothing else to offer today. Hope you enjoy this tasty, educational post...

Love & Peace


Prepare yourself for a load of plantain photography:

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