Oh what a relief it is...

I had originally asked off of work today because we were supposed to meet up with Doug and Kyan for dinner. Well, since our vet had some type of emergency, she had to cancel all her evening appointments for Friday, which left Zac un-neutered, making it pointless to meet up today. SO, now I have to reschedule his (and Cas') neuter appointment for next week sometime,

And now I have to ask off for next Sunday as well... yay.

I didn't really do anything blog-worthy today, but I did take some pictures of the ducks and my aunt's dogs, Otis and Max. They are such cute and sweet puppies. Otis likes me more than Max, he's always on top of either me or LaVaughn. Max is a mama's boy and kind of sticks close to her.

So yeah, that's my excitement for the day! It was so nice today as well, I might add. I wish we would have taken all the glider cages out and cleaned them. They're getting pretty ripe and desperately need to be deep cleaned. Maybe tomorrow, if the weather is nice.

Love & Peace


Random pictures from around the house after I got home from work yesterday:

Sookie is such a lunatic.

Believe it or not, this wasn't enough.

Pictures from today:

My beautiful ducks.

Just look at that giant Saxony duck!

They're all so gorgeous.

The black Indian runners.

Gotta have the puppy fix:

Did I not say this dog takes gorgeous pictures?!?!

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