Duckling Rising...

The ducklings got a taste of freedom today, and by freedom I mean they got to play outside for the very first time! We took Sookie's old play pen and sat it up next to their cage where they had plenty of space to run around and eat grass -- it was adorable!

As pathetic as it sounds, I took over 100 pictures of them running around and being cute. I could have taken more, but I was getting an ear full from LaVaughn, so I slowed my pace some.

Aside from the adorableness that is ducklings, we actually managed to clean the glider room today. And I'm not talking vacuuming and changing pouches, ALL the cages got wiped down with vinegar/water, got the drop trays cleaned, dirty cage sets taken out, and, of course, the floor got vacuumed. It was such a nice feeling. Now the room looks, feels, and smells awesome!

My replacement phone should be here tomorrow, of course. I have to take my aunt to Cape tomorrow so that she can get her staples out. She should have gotten them out last week, but there was some type of fluid build up and she couldn't -- poor dear. Anyways, the phone requires a signature confirmation, so more than likely I won't get it tomorrow and it'll be Thursday. Fun fun.

I guess that's all for now. The second episode of Texas Rising is on in a few and I do not want to miss it! Until next time...

Love & Peace


Half of these pictures are in the wrong order, but that's my camera's fault for creating a new folder and starting all over on the naming. So here are the ducklings (and other stuff) in no particular order:


Here's an awesome look at how cracked my phone is:

iPhone screens crack so easily. :(

Here are a few pictures of a GORGEOUS blue dragonfly:

Glider laundry!

More ducklings cuteness:

This is my boo.

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