Hey, wanna trade?

Well yesterday was long and tiresome -- as was today. I had to drive my aunt to Cape yesterday to get her staples out, fun! At least they were able to take them out, I honestly didn't think they would. She has terribly rotten luck when it comes tot things like that.

And just as I suspected, my phone arrived yesterday. Surprisingly enough, they just left it lying on the patio table -- thanks a lot guys, my neighbors dogs could have had a lot of fun with that. It was left unscathed, thankfully. I was worried that transferring my sims card would be a pain in the butt, but surprisingly enough, it was easy! I took me no time to get my new phone all set up and ready to go. Unfortunately, I didn't back up any of my stuff to iCloud, so I had to manually enter all my contacts again. Good thing I don't have many friends.

In duck news -- as much as I hate to say it, two of our drakes had to go. We had 4 drakes and 5 hens, as crass as this sounds, they were riding the hens too much and balding them. Not to mention, the two drakes that we parted with are also the aggressive of the two, which made the decision slightly easier. It all actually worked out for the best, someone contacted me about them not long after I posted and offered to trade two hens for the two boys. Since he seemed like a fellow duck lover, I agreed to the swap.

We met him in town today at the feed store to trade everyone off. I nearly cried, thank god I didn't. Can you imagine what he would have thought of me? Still, seeing OUR boys in the back of his truck nearly killed me. I'm still reeling over it, but I know it'll be for the best. Now we have 7 hens and 2 drakes. No more gang rapes, no more bullying the other boys.

I'm still sad about it.. :(

Well I guess that's all for now, until next time...

Love & Peace


Here are some pictures of my new, white iPhone 5C:

Here are our new ducks:

Isn't she pretty?

They have gorgeous faces.

And here's some random duckling cuteness:

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