I present to you, Una Pritchett...

Since the medicine that the vet prescribed Una didn't seem to be helping much, I decided to call her up and ask if she could give her anything else -- which she told me to do in the first place. The call lasted no more than 5 minutes and ended in us receiving a prescription for Amoxicillin.

I thought someone was pulling my leg when she asked what pharmacy I used. When I told her where, she said that it was going to be called AND it was only going to be $4. That's a BIG difference from the $30 we paid for 1 ounce of eye cream. I waited around 30ish minutes, then decided to call my local pharmacy and check on, you guessed it, my cat's prescription. They were apparently receiving the fax just as I call and said it would be close to an hour.

We waited almost as long before we headed to town. I went straight to the pharmacy where I had to give my address and phone number, then it was another 10 minute wait. When it was time to pick the meds up, I did so like any other prescription -- by giving her birthday (which they labeled as 1-1-01) and her name, which she is now known by... Una Pritchett. How formal!

I couldn't help but snicker when I was being checked out, I believe the pharmacist got a kick out of it too. At least I'm not the only one that's picked my pets meds up there before, it's apparently no that uncommon!

I know this is probably boring to most, but I find it hysterical. Enjoy it, because this will probably be my last post until Wednesday, maybe Monday if I have time. The rest of my days are going to be spent working. Fun fun!

Love & Peace


Here's my cats name on her prescription.

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