When you're feeling done in...

Today has been a SUPER exhausting. Right now I'm curled up in the glider room, taking a moment for myself. We were original going to go to the vet today -- there were no openings -- but we ended up doing a million other things in place of. Today would have been the perfect day for a drive to Fredericktown, but now it's being postponed to Wednesday.

When I got up, my mom took me to pick up the car. - thankfully they got it fixed today! After that I vacuumed, did the laundry, took out the trash, fed all the animals, then cooked dinner. Bob showed up not 10 minutes before we started cooking for ourselves, which was nice and awkward. Not that he makes it uncomfortable or anything, it's just odd.

When we finished eating we asked Bob if he would help us put the air conditioner in the glider room. Of course he said yes, which I figured he would. After that was all said and done we decided to move the geese down to the chicken coop. They're so unbelievable big now, far too big to be kept inside. Two weeks from now they'll probably be living among everyone else -- they grow that fast.

See what I'm saying, it's been a non-stop type of day. It doesn't help that have been obsessing over our duck eggs that are SO close to hatching! I kid you not. There's pipping coming from one egg and lots of action going on when we candle them. Super exciting stuff going on in out house.

My time is drawing short, so I guess I'll end it here. Until next time...

Love & Peace


New HDMI cords arrived today! They're awesome!

Anxiously waiting for these guys to hatch!!

See the crack? If not, I won't hold it against you... it's hard to see.

And now for the pictures of the geese, Reese and Riley:

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