The little tree that could...

I've been so unbelievably bored today... you have no idea. I ended up finding someone to cover my 3 hour shift at work today, mainly because I didn't want to drive 35 minutes to work 3 hours! It's not even worth it and hardly covers the cost of gas! I mean, really?

Instead of working, I spent my time sewing, taking pictures of the cats, taking pictures of the tree, and taking pictures of virtually anything I could spy with my little eye. LaVaughn and I did venture into town for a while earlier where we shopped around and left with some hair dye and a few snacks -- nothing worthy of noting, really.

The rest of my evening has been spent contemplating tomorrow, which will be spent taking LaVaughn to the doctor. She has to see a specialist at the pain management center in Cape. She was supposed to be there at 10:00, but luckily they had an opening at 2:30 instead. I was NOT looking forward to leaving the house at 7.. ugh.

Since this blog is as boring as this day, I'm just going to quit. Until next time...

Love & Peace


Probably one of my favorite pictures so far. Did I mention that LaVaughn made this tree from scratch?

Nom, nom, nom!

Fletcher is so cute.

The other door frame.

Look at the creeper!

Love this one.

She loves giving me 5.

Now she's nervous.

She's extremely camera shy.

Are you ready for some Zoe cuteness?

She is such a flirt.

Look at those eyes!

Is she not gorgeous, really?

Una and her plotting ways:

"Ooh, the tree!"

"I wonder if anyone sees me?"

"Probably not, I'ma eat an icicle."

Here are several pictures of the tree in several different settings:

I think this was color pop?

This was the mini setting.

I happen to love this one.

It's very pretty.

No idea.

Vibrant, maybe?

This is like a storybook type setting. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

Toy camera effect.

And lastly, Miss Zoe.

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