Laying pipe...

I haven't gone to work in two weeks... can you believe it? My boss took me off the schedule this past week, which turned out to be a good idea, considering Wed. was the first day that I could actually go anywhere in the car. I work 5-9 tomorrow, which is hardly worth the drive there, but it's a nice, short shift that will allow me to get back into the flow with ease.

I took advantage of today and decided to take a MILLION pictures. Just so you know, 70% of those are of cats. You've been warned. The rest are of all the snow we got today, which was close to two inches. Quite the shocker, actually. I honestly didn't think it would amount to anything, but it did. 

It wont last long, it'll all melt off by tomorrow.

I hate that I have to work so late tomorrow, because Monday I have to drive my aunt to Cape. Her appointment is for 11:00, so we'll have to be out the door no later than 9:00. Actually we'll have to leave a little before that, so that means we'll have an 8 AM wake up call. GAG! 

I guess I'll go take advantage of what's left of my evening. Time to watch some more SOA. For those of you who don't know -- and for the ones that are just curious -- the title of my blog is episode 5.02 of SOA and is also the same episode in which my all time favorite character is murdered. Boo!

Love & Peace


Snowfall from today:

Cats and more cats:

More snow:

More cats:

And lastly, Otis:

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